“When it comes to making a career in cybersecurity and start LEARNING it best way, what is the single BIGGEST challenge or problem that you’ve been struggling with?”
(Please be as detailed and specific as possible, because when you give me detailed response, it greatly helps me learn about the situation you are in and create better training programs for you. Thanks, Meena R.)
Which of the following best describes your age?
How much is your experience in IT?
LAST QUESTION: If I were to create a new paid MASTERCLASS on Cybersecurity, (and you had to choose just one) which of the following version are you most interested in, and would've signed up for if it was already available?
Last Step: What's your best contact information so I can make sure you're notified about the new Cybersecurity Tips series when it's made available?
Phone (optional):Lastly, I may wish to follow up with a few people on phone personally to better understand your situation. Would you be open to speaking on the phone for a few minutes on the condition that I promise not to sell you anything? If so, would you please leave your mobile number below? Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you for taking the time to tell me about your situation! I'll be using your responses to help shape the upcoming Cybersecurity tips series.
My warmest regards,
Meena R.Your 'Cybersecurity Friend' :-)
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