Confidentiality between two communicating nodes is achieved by using an appropriate encryption scheme: data is encrypted at the sending node and decrypted at the receiving node.
Encryption will also protect the traffic between the two nodes from eavesdropping to some extent.
However, for encryption to be used effectively in networks, it is necessary to define what will be encrypted, where this takes place in the network, and the layers that are involved in a reference model.
The implementation of encryption in packet-switched networks must ensure that essential addressing information can be accessed by the relevant network devices such as switches, bridges and routers. Encryption is broadly termed link layer encryption or end-to-end encryption depending on whether it is applied and re-applied at each end of each link in a communication path, or whether it is applied over the whole path between end systems. It is useful to identify the various implementations of encryption with the appropriate OSI layer, as indicated in the given diagram.
End-to-end encryption is implemented at or above layer 3, the network layer of the OSI reference model, while link layer encryption is applied at the data link and physical layers. When encryption is applied at the transport or network layers, end-to-end refers to hosts identified by IP (internet protocol) addresses and, in the case of TCP (transmission control protocol) connections, port numbers. In the context of application layer encryption, however, end-to-end is more correctly interpreted as process-to-process. The given diagram clearly identifies the extent of encryption (unshaded areas) applied at each layer.

Network layer encryption

Network layer encryption is normally implemented between specific source and destination nodes as identified, for example, by IP addresses. As Diagram section (b) indicates, the network layer headers remain unencrypted.
Network layer encryption may be applied to sections of a network rather than end-to-end; in this case the network layer packets are encapsulated within IP packets. A major advantage of network layer encryption is that it need not normally be concerned with the details of the transmission medium.
A feature of encryption up to and including the network layer is that it is generally transparent to the user. This means that users may be unaware of security breaches, and a single breach could have implications for many users. This is not the case for application layer encryption. As with link layer encryption, delays associated with encryption and decryption processes need to be kept to an acceptable level, but hardware-based devices capable of carrying out these processes have become increasingly available.
An important set of standards that has been introduced to provide network layer encryption, as well as other security services such as authentication, integrity and access control in IP networks, is IPSec from the IP Security Working Group of the Internet Engineering Task Force. You should refer to RFC 2401 if you need further details on these standards.

Application layer encryption

In application layer encryption, end-to-end security is provided at a user level by encryption applications at client workstations and server hosts. Of necessity, encryption will be as close to the source, and decryption as close to the destination, as is possible. As Diagram section (c) shows, in application layer encryption only the data is encrypted.
Examples of application layer encryption are S/MIME (secure/multipurpose internet mail extensions), S-HTTP (secure hypertext transfer protocol), PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) and MSP (message security protocol). Another example is SET (secure electronic transactions), which is used for bank card transactions over public networks. ‘Host layer encryption’ is a term sometimes used to refer to programs that perform encryption and decryption on behalf of the applications that access them. An example is secure socket layer.

This Article Was Written & published by Meena R,  Senior Manager - IT, at Luminis Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd, India. 

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