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- Written by: LUMINIS
- Category: Business Management Blog
Lately I was going through with the latest post made by one of prominent blogger Jim Taggart who essentially thrives while writing about ‘Leadership’ from various vistas. In his post, he was attempting to search about an intersection-point that probably be reached while comprehending:
- Real Innovation Vs Incremental Innovation,
- Creative Destruction as the impetus to creativity and innovation,
- Fragilista Vs Antifragilista, where the term Fragilista stands for someone who is fragile and non-adaptive and an Antifragilista is an individual who is able to quickly adjust to unpredictable events.
Read more: When EXCELLENCE & BRILLIANCE is reverse-engineered….??

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- Written by: LUMINIS
- Category: Business Management Blog
Every business hosts a plethora of problems—for example, its employees working at half of their potential; never ending conflicts between various departments and recurring turf-wars, and tumultuous market conditions so on and so forth. But if you choose to look closely, you will find that this tyranny of averages always conceals sparkling exceptions to the rule. Somehow, a few isolated groups and individuals, operating with the same constraints and resources as everyone else, yet prevail against the odds.
This article is absolutely about them and what they hold for your fortunes. Somewhere in your organization also, groups of people are already doing things differently and better. If you wish to create lasting change, then go and find these individuals/groups of positive deviance and fan their flames. You only need to discover the process of bringing the isolated success strategies of these “positive deviants” into the mainstream.

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- Written by: LUMINIS
- Category: Business Management Blog
Today’s marketplace is about the landscape where competition is the predominant factor. Companies can now no longer rely on ‘market growth’ to propel their sales and profits to higher levels. They must gain market share at the expense of competitors and prevent their enemies from raiding their own positions. Competition thus should be the central focus of business strategy in today’s environment. The informal, ad hoc approach to competition in general, and information gathering in particular, is no longer adequate for success in today’s crowded and aggressive marketplace.
Most companies are facing the same problem: how to improve profitability in the face of competitive forces that work against profit growth.
The outlook for the coming business environment presents the prospect of even more intense competition, so it is vital that those firms seeking a long-term market presence appreciate the significance of transferring market share from their competitors. Those that don’t, could become tomorrow’s casualties.
Read more: Competitive Intelligence: Needed A New Way Of Thinking About Competition

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- Written by: LUMINIS
- Category: Business Management Blog
(Source : A blog at Harvard Business Review by Amy Gallo)
As politicians and economists puzzle over jobless recovery after recession, managers who have started to hire again face another problem: how to handle all the overqualified candidates coming through their doors. The prevailing wisdom is to avoid such applicants. But the unprecedented availability of top talent created by this recession and new research on the success of these candidates may be changing that.
What the Experts Say?
Recruiters have traditionally hesitated to place overqualified candidates because of several presumed risks. The assumption is that the person will be bored and not motivated, so they will underperform or leave. However, research shows that these risks may be more perceived than real. In fact, sales associates in the research who were thought to be overqualified actually performed better. And rarely do people move on simply because they feel they're too talented for the job. In fact, people don't stay or leave a company because of their skills. They stay or leave because of working conditions.

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- Written by: LUMINIS
- Category: Business Management Blog
“Because a leader is human and fallible, his and her leadership is in one sense finite--constrained by mortality and human imperfections.
In another sense the leader's influence is almost limitless. He and she can spread hope, lend courage, kindle confidence, impart knowledge, give heart, instill spirit, elevate standards, display vision, set direction, and call for action today and each tomorrow.
The frequency with which one can perform these leadership functions seems without measure. His or her effectiveness and personal resources, rather than attenuating with use, amplify; and he and she reuse and extend the skills. Like a tree whose shadow falls where the tree is not, the consequence of the leader's act radiates beyond the fondest perception. Again we see the paradox of the leader - a finite person with an apparent infinite influence.”

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- Written by: LUMINIS
- Category: Business Management Blog
On 18th May, 2011 when Infosys published its ‘30 Years of Infosys : Annual Report 2010-11’, its founder and chairman Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy also laid out its path for future journey. Murthy is stepping down as non-executive Chairman and Chief Mentor on August 20 this year when he turns 65.
Writing in an article titled "Goodbye, folks. March on with values...", in the NASDAQ-listed firm's 2010-11 annual report, Murthy said, "I do not know of any Indian company that has given away as much as Rs 50,000 crore (at current stock prices) of stock options to employees. Today, every Indian employee at every level who joined us on or before March 2010 is a stockholder of Infosys.”

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- Written by: LUMINIS
- Category: Business Management Blog
The Change. The most popular jargon of management dictionary. Heard a thousand quotes about the change in general, in life! But the ‘Change Management’ in industry, in companies, in organizations, had evolved into an industry itself.
Well, change is an absolutely integral part of business. You do need to change, preferably before you have to.
Though we all have heard about that people resist to change, but the change with itself brings a huge anxiety also. The moment when a boss in a company announces a change or a new initiative which would supposedly bring a new ‘transformation’, people hate it. They run back to their cabins, their chairs and frantically start e-mailing to each other or call each other with the reasons it’s going to ruin everything.

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- Written by: LUMINIS
- Category: Business Management Blog
In March 2009, the ‘Financial Times’, the leading financial newspaper of US published a series of articles on ‘The Future of Capitalism’. It published an interview with Jack Welch, who is widely regarded as the father of the “shareholder’s value” movement, has said that the obsession with short-term profits and share price gains that has dominated the corporate world for over 20 years was “a ‘dumb idea”.
“On the face of it, shareholder value is the dumbest idea in the world,” he said. “Shareholder value is a result, not a strategy...your main constituencies are your employees, your customers and your products.”

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- Written by: LUMINIS
- Category: Business Management Blog
As our business grows, it becomes increasingly necessary to delegate responsibility and to encourage men and women to exercise their initiative. This requires considerable tolerance.

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- Written by: LUMINIS
- Category: Business Management Blog
The classical & most pervasive thought-line from the world of business & management puts the heaviest emphasis on the ‘great leadership’ as the single-most distinguishing variable in the success of great companies of the world. Yes--in a way, this seems correct also. BECAUSE… the great leadership makes a great difference to the fortunes of any company.
We need to understand that great leaders display high level of persistence. They overcome significant obstacles. They attract dedicated people to the organization. They influence group of people toward the achievement of goals. They play key roles in guiding their companies through crucial episodes in their history.

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- Written by: LUMINIS
- Category: Business Management Blog
If your notion is that human resource meet takes place only once in an organization, that you are fundamentally wrong. These meets don’t take place once a year; they take place all the time.